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Smart City Toolbox Project Dashboard


Smart City strategy and project management in one place. Integration of existing systems. Cross-functional agile collaboration. Easy to use. GDPR compliant. Made in Germany and hosted in Europe!

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Smart City Strategy & Project Management

What is the Smart City Toolbox?

How can a city effectively and collaboratively manage the implementation of its smart city strategy and all smart city projects in one digital place? We answer this question with the Smart City Toolbox - a unique software-as-a-service solution for cities and regions.

The Smart City Toolbox is a modern and easy-to-use digital solution for the collaborative implementation of municipal strategies and projects in the Smart City area. With the cloud-based or on-premise hosted strategy and project management application, municipalities can organize their smart city projects in one place and implement them together across departments. In this way, those involved in implementation can find all the relevant information in one digital solution.

Your Benefits

Advantages of the Smart City Toolbox

Unlock the potential of your city, community, or region with the Smart City Toolbox. Gain a competitive edge in implementing municipal strategies and their projects efficiently. Take control of your municipality's (multi-)project management with our innovative smart city toolbox.

All in one place All relevant information on the Smart City strategy and related projects is structured and accessible in one place.  
Digital Strategy Digitize and visualize the structure of your smart city strategy including all fields of action, projects, and documents.  
Collaboration All strategy contributors and project members work digitally and collaboratively on their smart city projects.  
Project Management All tools for digital project management in departments and intersectoral teams are accessible in the toolbox.  
Monitoring Easily monitor and analyze smart city project and strategy progress through dashboards and reporting features.  
Roles & Responsibilities Clear roles in strategy and project implementation create transparency and enable seamless collaboration.  
Security Developed with and for municipalities, the toolbox is GDPR-compliant and hosted in Germany / EU to fulfill your requirements.  
Cloud & On-Premise The Toolbox can be hosted in the cloud as well as on-premise to fulfill the individual requirements of your organization.  
Independence Be less dependent on external consultants, as you can fully control the strategy and project management process.  

Features of the Smart City Toolbox

Discover the capabilities of our cutting-edge strategy and (multi-)project management software designed specifically for cities and communities on our dedicated feature page.

Partnering Cities

Supported by and developed with cities

The Smart City Toolbox is not only supported by but also developed in collaboration with partner cities, with the aim of being utilized in municipalities worldwide. Additionally, the toolbox undergoes continuous development based on the specific needs and perspectives of its user cities and communities. This approach ensures maximum benefits, exceptional user-friendliness, and compliance with municipal and regional requirements.

Request a demo and get more information!

Experience a free demo to learn about all the features that can help your city, municipality, or region in implementing your strategies and projects easily and efficiently.