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Smart City Blog

Jon Glasco

Jon Glasco is a freelance consultant and writer focused on innovation in smart cities and smart urban mobility. He has experience in executive and consulting roles in the telecommunications, mobile operator, public transport, government and professional service sectors. Jon holds an MBA and Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering.

Blog Post by Jon Glasco

Jon Glasco7 min read

Open Data and Innovation: Vast Opportunities, Untapped Value

More than a decade ago, governments throughout the world made a radical policy shift from storing data in government silos to ...
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Jon Glasco8 min read

Smart Sustainable Cities in Spain: The Commitment to a Green Economy

Climate change is currently showing one of its harshest sides. Europe is groaning under the heat and further droughts in ...
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Jon Glasco9 min read

How Smart Cities adapt to extreme heat waves

In the animated film Rango, life-threatening heat plays a role in the story. In an opening scene, the protagonist staggers ...
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Jon Glasco8 min read

The Circular Economy: Vision, Problems and Smart City Solutions

Our current economic model - known as a linear economy - is not sustainable. This is the warning we hear from scientists, ...
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Jon Glasco6 min read

Navigating the Challenges of Open Data and Participatory Governance

Smart cities must collect plenty of data as a means to analyse urban problems and support participatory governance. ...
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Jon Glasco8 min read

Smart Cities and Urban Mobility: Why Public Transport Matters

Jane Jacobs — journalist, urban theorist and critic — dared to ask in the 20th century why cities were built for cars. While ...
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Jon Glasco10 min read

Smart Tourism - Innovation and Reinvention for an Industry in Crisis

As 2019 drew to a close, the travel and tourism industry had reasons to celebrate. The World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC), ...
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Jon Glasco8 min read

Ljubljana: A Smart, Green, and Sustainable City

Ljubljana, Slovenia’s capital and largest city, is a vibrant centre of economic, cultural, and innovative activity. This year, ...
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Jon Glasco6 min read

Smart City Vilnius: Embracing the Arts and Cultural Heritage

After surviving decades of occupation by a foreign power, how does a city restore and capture the value of its strengths in the ...
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Jon Glasco10 min read

Unsafe to Cross: The Need for Pedestrian Safety Solutions

Ensuring pedestrian safety is a complex challenge throughout the world - especially when many smart cities are encouraging more ...
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Jon Glasco11 min read

5G Enables Smart City Innovation

Mobile operators worldwide are investing in 5G networks, and proponents of this much-hyped technology believe it will enable a ...
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Jon Glasco12 min read

Mobility as a Service: A Blueprint for Disruption?

In less than a decade, the concept known as mobility as a service (MaaS) has captured the imagination of visionaries and ...
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Jon Glasco14 min read

E-Scooters: A Collision Between Innovation And Controversy

In their eagerness to create breakthrough technologies and disruptive platforms, innovators sometimes collide with an ...
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Jon Glasco12 min read

E-Scooters: A Passing Fad or Smart Mobility?

Electric scooters appeal to those who want to move quickly and easily through urban streets at low cost while avoiding ...
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Jon Glasco9 min read

Smart Cities and the Promise of Innovation in Public Services

There was a time when bells in town squares warned citizens of impending danger. Today, the bells ring again in the form of ...
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