MIKE BARLOW is an award-winning journalist, prolific author, and business strategy consultant. He is the author of Learning to Love Data Science (O'Reilly, 2015), and coauthor of The Executive's Guide to Enterprise Social Media Strategy (Wiley, 2011), and Partnering with the CIO (Wiley, 2007). He is also the author of numerous articles, reports, and white papers on AI, machine learning, smart cities and digital transformation. A graduate of Hamilton College, he is a licensed private pilot, avid reader, and enthusiastic ice hockey fan.
CORNELIA LÉVY-BENCHETON is a communications strategy consultant and writer whose data-driven marketing and decision support work helps companies optimize their performance in the face of change. As Principal of CLB Strategic Consulting, LLC, her focus is on the impact of disruptive technologies and associated cultural challenges that open up new opportunities and necessitate refreshed strategies. She is a published author and career financial services executive who has worked in the United States, France, and Switzerland. Ms. Lévy-Bencheton earned an MA from Stanford University, an MBA from Pace University and advanced certificates from New York University.
Blog Post by Mike Barlow and Cornelia Levy-Bencheton
Mike Barlow and Cornelia Levy-Bencheton4 min read
Cities in Motion: The Unintended Consequences of New Technology
If the science fiction writers of the 1950s had been right, most of us today would travel around in flying cars and pneumatic ...
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Mike Barlow and Cornelia Levy-Bencheton6 min read
Estonia: Smart Nation on the Baltic Sea
What does it take to turn a national bureaucracy into a smart government? It’s not too often a country is given a clean slate ...
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Mike Barlow and Cornelia Levy-Bencheton6 min read
Smart Cities are Influenced by the Past, but They Look to the Future
When we think of smart cities, we tend to think in futuristic terms. We often use the language and iconography of futurism to ...
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Mike Barlow and Cornelia Levy-Bencheton5 min read
Will Smart City Technology Prevent Crime Before It Happens?
Law enforcement has been using technology to solve crimes for more than a century. Using technology to prevent crimes, however, ...
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Mike Barlow and Cornelia Levy-Bencheton5 min read
10 Ways to Envision a Smart City
What is a smart city and how is it different from our traditional notion of a city? There is no single definition for a smart ...
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