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Smart City Solutions

Smart city solutions help cities to provide better services, to increase government efficiency and to tackle major challenges with the ultimate goal of creating a more livable, sustainable and prosperous city or community. In our solutions section, we cover new and proven solutions across all six smart city indicators - Smart Economy, Environment, Government, Living, Mobility, and People - to provide you with the right knowledge to help you identify and assess suitable solutions. To deep-dive into hundreds of solutions and to connect with thousands of experts and practitioners, join the global smart city network and community.
Jon Glasco11 min read

Bridging America’s Digital Divide: The Search for Equitable Solutions

More than 35 years ago, an American entrepreneur challenged the monopoly power and anti-competitive practices of AT&T - at ...
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Thomas Mueller6 min read

CityTech RUHR: How Cities Innovate through City-Startup Collaboration

The first edition of CityTech RUHR, Germany’s largest international smart city startup challenge, concluded with the successful ...
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Thomas Mueller1 min read

Solutions for Cities: International Digital Ideas Competition started

The Covid-19 pandemic has posed similar challenges to cities and municipalities around the world. What have we learned from the ...
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Thomas Mueller4 min read

CityTech RUHR: The Bottrop & Gelsenkirchen Challenges

With Germany's largest international smart city startup challenge, the Ruhr Metropolis - City of Cities - is calling start-ups ...
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Thomas Mueller5 min read

CityTech RUHR: The Bochum & Hagen Challenges

With Germany's largest international smart city startup challenge, the Ruhr Metropolis - City of Cities - is calling start-ups ...
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Thomas Mueller5 min read

CityTech RUHR: Germany’s biggest smart city startup challenge launched

CityTech RUHR invites startups from around the world to participate in Germany’s biggest smart city challenge. Four cities and ...
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Thomas Mueller3 min read

AcceliCITY Selects World’s Most Promising Smart City Startups

In 2018, Leading Cities, a global nonprofit for Smart City growth and collaboration, launched AcceliCITY - a global Smart City ...
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Jon Glasco8 min read

How Universities Add Value in Smart City Innovation

Urban innovators with smart city aspirations rely on university knowledge and resources when addressing complex issues. Through ...
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Lily Maxwell11 min read

Building Smarter: Smart Technologies for Design and Construction

Smart city strategy, now moving into its ‘fourth generation’, is today increasingly focused on collaboratively determining ...
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Thomas Mueller2 min read

Thinxtra launches Sigfox LPWA IoT Network for Smart City Hong Kong

On the 1st of November, Sigfox's exclusive network operator Thinxtra showcased the start of its territory-wide low-power ...
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